2023-2024 At a Glance


Planned EuroMayenne Monthly Activities

  • For further details of the whole year click here.
  • Full final details of each activity will be published at least two months in advance.
MonthDay / DateActivityOrganiser
September 9thEuroMayenne “Open Day” (Mayenne)Nicole Devel-Laigle
October 14th
EuroMayenne AGM (Mayenne)
Guided Tour of Bagnoles de l’Orne
Pam Davies
Valerie Masserot
November18thGuided Tour of Weavers’ Museum & Micro-Brewery (Ambrières-les-Vallées)Armelle Jamelot
December8thEuroMayenne Annual Dinner (Moulay)Pam Davies
Galette des Rois, La Visitation (Mayenne)
“Pub Grub” lunch & Games afternoon
Eileen Climance
Lynn Chesters
February23rdVisit Organic Cheese Factory (Entrammes)Nicole Devel-Laigle
March23rdGuided Visit of Pontmain “The Sanctuary”Pam Davies
April13thEnvironmental VisitValerie Masserot
May19thAnnual Plant Swap & BBQ (Mayenne)
CANCELLED due to lack of support
Lynn Chesters
June15thRiverboat Cruise and evening mealPaul Punchard
July27thLunch and Games AfternoonLynn Chesters

Contact details of the organisers

CHESTERS Lynn02 43 02 57 71contact@euromayenne.org
CLIMANCE Eileen02 43 00 63 85eileen.climance@wanadoo.fr
DAVIES Pam02 43 00 87 17contact@euromayenne.org
DEVEL-LAIGLE Nicole06 73 71 96 52president@euromayenne.org
JAMELOT Armelle02 43 53 86 70ajamelot@orange.fr
MASSEROT  Valérie02 43 26 05 31masserot.valerie@orange.fr
PUNCHARD Paul06 85 79 88 30punchard.paul@gmail.com

View the year on a map

Click on the icon to the left of the title “2023-2024 outings/sorties” for a listing, or simply on a marker on the map


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