August 2017 – St Pierre sur Erve


A visit to a picturesque village and water mill


Sunday 13 August

Only 9 members attended but they had a splendid day.

Thanks to Clare for organising it.

Saint-Pierre-sur-Erve August 2017

There is an ancient water mill being restored in the village (registered as “Petite Cité de Caractère”) and the owner has kindly offered EuroMayenne members the opportunity to see round it and to have a barbecue on site.

Click here for the mill’s website (in French), and here for an article on the renovations (in English).

10:50  Meet at the Moulin de Gô
11:00  Gentle stroll round the village
12:00  Back to the Mill  for a barbecue lunch
After lunch Conducted tour of the mill (in English)




€ 9.00  payable when you book (see below) for the BBQ lunch including drinks, and the guided tour of the mill.



Please click here for a booking form, then print it and fill it in (capital letters, please) and send it with your cheque (payable to EuroMayenne) to arrive before Sunday 6 August, to:

Mme. Clare GUYER
3 rue des Glycines

The booking form offers the chance to ask about car sharing if you are interested in that.


Ask Clare   on  02 43 00 63 74     or

Her mobile number, if you need to contact her on the day, is 07 71 16 98 18