May 2015 – Plant swap & Barbecue
Plant swap & barbecue
on Sunday 31 May 2015
Join us for one of the most popular events of the EuroMayenne year!
- starts at 4:00 pm
- bring your surplus plants, cuttings, seedlings etc to exchange
- followed by a barbecue at 6 p.m. (plates and cutlery supplied)
- €8 euro per person including drinks
At the organisers’ home, Paul & Christine MARSHALL, to whom many thanks.
La Rousselière, 53120 Colombiers du Plessis
Please print and fill in this form and send it with your cheque, payable to EuroMayenne, to:
La Rousselière
53120 Colombiers du Plessis
Please let Paul know if you will be coming before Sunday 24 May.