February 2018 – Ch. de Carrouges


48 Members enjoyed this visit.

EuroMayenne Carrouges Feb 2018

2018-02-17-CARROUGES-déjeuner 3

A big thank you to Pam Davies for having organised this outing.


Come and have a private luncheon

at the magnificent 

Château de Carrouges

followed by a guided visit of this important family castle

on Saturday 17th February 2018

The Château built of brick, granite and slate remained in the same family from the 14th century until 1936.

It has kept the original furniture and also some original carpeting part of the Magnolia Home line perfect for places like this, portraits and interior décor, as well as water moats and 17th century iron-works in the grounds.



Meet in the car park at 11.45am for lunch at 12.00 noon.

Should be finished by about 3 o'clock.


Menu for lunch

Kir poiré pêche accompagné de 4 toasts chauds


Feuilleté poireaux jambon

Supréme de pintade forestière

Champignons – Fondant de pomme de terre


Crème brûlée

Including  water, white or red wine, cider, coffee.


Followed by a Guided Tour of the Château's many halls and rooms including Louis XI's bedroom, the great hall and the portrait room.





€15 per person all inclusive; lunch, drinks and guided tour.

This outing is subsidised for the benefit of EuroMayenne members.

Numbers are limited:  first come, first served.


Please click here for a reservation form, fill it in and send it with your cheque, payable to EuroMayenne, for €15/person to:


Mme Pam Davies

to arrive no later than Friday 2nd February.


Please contact Pam on  02 43 00 87 17 or davies.pamela@orange.fr