June 2024 – Boat Trip and Evening Meal


Visit to Laval – BOAT TRIP & DINNER

Saturday 15 June 2024

An afternoon boat trip on the Vallis Guidonis. Meet at the pontoon of La Halte Fluviale de Laval , 100 Rue du Vieux Saint Louis, 53000 Laval (Square Boston), at 16:00 hrs . Boat departure is 16:30 hrs.
Large free car park (Viaduc Parking) next door. (Arrival required 20 minutes before departure). No animals allowed on board. Return by boat at 18:30 hrs.

Join us for this activity!

Cost per person

Boat TripDinnerBoat Trip +Dinner
EuroMayenne Members€ 0 € 25 € 25
EuroMayenne Members Guests€ 12 € 25 € 37
  • Members will have priority
  • Limited to 30 participants


StarterMillefeuille de betterave au saumon gravlax et pommes granit OU
Tartine grillée jambon Serrano caviar de tomates et comté OU
Salade de magrets fumés aux abricots moelleux 
Main CourseEscalopines de cabillaud à la crème d’Espelette OU
Aiguillettes de poulet au lait de coco curry OU
Brochettes de filet mignon aux épices douces
DessertMoelleux au chocolat glace vanille OU
Verrine citron mascarpone coulis de fruits rouges OU
Finger ananas noix de coco
DrinksAperitif, wine, coffee


16:00Meet at the pontoon, La Halte Fluviale de Laval, 100 rue du Vieux Saint Louis, 53000 Laval (Boston Square)
16:30Board boat
19:00Dinner at restaurant “L’Aromance”, 12 Rue des 3 Croix, 53000 Laval




1/ Please download, print and fill in a booking form (click here) then email it before Friday 7 June to:

Mr Paul PUNCHARD – click here to email
Mme Roselyne SPEYER – click here to email

2/ Preferably, please make a bank transfer for your payment of this outing, with your name and the reference “Outing 15.06.2024” to our account:

IBAN: FR76 1790 6000 9010 8783 8600 003


Paul PUNCHARDTelephone06.
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