Please note that inclusion here does not represent an endorsement or approval by EuroMayenne of that site, the site’s owners or their products or services. The links on this page are contributed in good faith by members. If you wish to propose any links to add to the list (or have good reason to want any removed) please contact us on
General information about living in the Mayenne
In English
- French Entrée – a magazine covering the Pays de la Loire
- Angloinfo – the local version of the world wide expat website.
- Lost in France – covers the whole country, but the Mayenne is highlighted here
- How to be French – a podcast by “Good Life France” about French ways
In French
- House of Europe, with an office in Laval
- Going out – bars, restaurants, cinemas etc.
- Local government website
- Listen to local radio online
Living in France
- Government produced booklet on Moving and Living in France
- Follow £/€ (and other) exchange rates
- The current price of heating fuel in this region
- Local weather forecast
- Three dictionaries for translations. Dictionary 1 is good for words, and dictionary 2 which is good at giving words in context. And here is a third one to try “”
- Yellow pages on-line business phone book
- French civil service website
- EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS including out-of-hours doctors
Become a Host Family
Become a Host Family to French children looking for English language immersion. For more information please click on one of the two links below.
For more information in hosting :
To find a host family :
- Laval tourist office
- Mayenne town and surroundings tourist office
- Mayenne department tourist office
- L’Office de Tourisme Vallée de Haute-Mayenne
EuroMayenne members offering services
Art & Frames | Pierre LAFRANCE Advice for Art & Frames Conservation / Restoration service – Antique to present day. Courses specific to requirements | | |
Reptile Removal | Pierre LAFRANCE Removal of unwanted snakes / lizards to deep countryside | | |
Hypnosis | Professor Ursula JAMES Podcasts containing short and effective hypnotherapy sessions. The subjects range from better sleep and controlling anxiety to motivation and building confidence | |
(Members – please contact us on if you would like your name to be added to this list)
Fun [ones with an * need the sound to be turned on ]
- Extraordinary 9 year old singer
- Quiz of your geographical knowledge of France
- Bach with a lot of drinks *
- Test your speed of reaction *
- Everything that’s going on in the world, and counting.
- The Sistine Chapel ; move your cursor to move the camera. *
- “Winnie the Pooh” according to a young French girl. *
- A catchy French tune * [Click on “Show more” for the words]
- French cats *