April 2025 – Visit to Historic Dinan


Saturday 26 April 2025


Over the stones and centuries
After lunch at a local restaurant, join us for a “stroll through the historic center of Dinan and discover the diversity of half-timbered houses (with corbelling, porches and windows) as well as the beautiful private mansions built in the 18th century by wealthy local families. Discover daily life in Dinan from the Middle Ages to the present day!”
We will see and learn about the Castle of Dinan and part of the City Walls, Le Théâtre des Jacobins, The Street and Tour de l’Horloge (Clock Tower), Place des Merciers et des Cordeliers, Saint-Malo Church and Saint-Sauveur Basilica and the English Gardens.

Join us for this activity!

Cost per person

 OutingLunchOuting & Lunch
EuroMayenne Members€ 5,00  € 25,00
EuroMayenne Members Guests€ 8,00  € 33,00
  • Limited to 25 places – Members will have priority


StarterSalmon terrine with cocktail sauce
Main CourseFillet of pollock with basil
DessertFar Breton and salted butter caramel
Drinks1/4 wine and coffee


11:45 hrs-14:15 hrsLunch: Le Longueville, 29 Place Duguesclin, 22100 Dinan
14:30 hrs-16:30 hrsWalking Tour of Historic Dinan
Meet at Dinan-Cap Fréhel Tourisme, 9 Rue du Château, 22100 Dinan


Dinan-Cap Fréhel Tourisme, 9 Rue du Château, 22100 Dinan


1/ Please download, print and fill in a booking form (click here) then email it before Saturday 12 Avril 2025 to:

Mrs Susan JAMESON – click here to email
Mme Roselyne SPEYER – click here to email

2/ Preferably, please make a bank transfer for your payment of this outing, with your name and the reference “Outing 26/04/2025” to our account:

IBAN: FR76 1790 6000 9010 8783 8600 003


Contact Susan JamesonTelephone06 42 87 02 35