

This group is no longer meeting. Any volunteers to revitalise it?

Please contact Nicole on  06 73 71 96 52 or



Next meeting (in conjunction with the Photography Group)

Tuesday 27th September 2016, at DomBosco School (Camera Group room), from 20:00.

Title: Building and launching a high altitude balloon

Derek Elias and his son undertook the construction, and launching, of a high-altitude balloon carrying their own electronics and camera. His illustrated presentation covers the trials and tribulations leading to the successful flight in the USA. The talk will last about 45min. and there will be a maximum of 25 seats available at the Dom Bosco room, so an early reservation is recommended.

Contact David Ebbage on 0243303495 or


Wednesday 26 November 2014
A visit was organised to TRYBA, a major double-glazing producer.

Dave Ebbage reports:

19 members and guests of EuroMayenne received a guided tour of the manufacturing site of Tryba (double glazing) in 53700 Villaines la Juhel. After an entertaining introduction to the history and ethos of this very community orientated company given by Mr Madec, the Operations Director, who spoke in English, and Mr Tricot the Managing Director, we were taken on a tour of the production area.

Tryba receive their orders from a network of dealers and also directly from large enterprises such as house builders and construction companies. Standard sized windows and doors, are built from plastic extrusions to a very high level of precision on automated assembly jigs, and later fitted with glass before delivery. For special sizes and windows with curved sections, templates are constructed and production involves more manual intervention. All the double glazed glass is supplied by their own glass producing factory in Alsace.
After this insight into the mysteries of double glazing production our group returned to the conference room for a final chance to raise any questions and to take several group photos. We are indebted to the CEO, Mr Tricot and his deputy Mr Madec for providing a very interesting and entertaining morning.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Annick and Bernard Daguenet of Charchigne, personal friends of Mr Tricot, who facilitated this extremely interesting visit.



David Ebbage    02 43 30 34 95


The Technology Group will now be concentrating on visits to companies in the area who have embraced modern technology and are prepared to show us their specialised skills.

The programme for the winter has not yet been finalised, but it is hoped that visits to a cheese maker and a producer of poiré (the pear analogue of cider) can be organised.

All EuroMayenne members are welcome to come along, but some of these visits could have a restriction on the numbers.  Register an interest with Dave early!

David Ebbage    02 43 30 34 95


Meeting – Tuesday 27 May 2014

A group of 13 members were shown round Sumca, the precision tool making company in Ambrières to see their impressive CAD/CAM facilities.



Latest news

Technology and Natural History have joined forces in the Technology Group!
A syndicate of members have united to buy an Acorn Trail Camera.

This is an all-weather digital camera using Infra Red detection and illumination to produce photographs and videos in both colour and black and white, as well as in total darkness using the infra red function.

Whilst it is early days, it is hoped to produce a collection of wild life images and videos, to act as a record of animal activity in Mayenne.

Shown below are some photos taken by Mick Cruse on only the third night of use.

The fox and hare are clearly shown in the still photos and a short video of the hare was also obtained, whilst in another video other nocturnal activity was evident!


To see and hear more about this initiative, a meeting was held at the Grimaldi Building, Mayenne, on the 6th May. At this meeting, there was a tablet workshop, and discussion concerning the future format of the group following the resignation of the current organiser David Ebbage, after the June meeting.


It is hoped that volunteers will come forward to progress the group from the autumn so all support is welcome to continue this activity.


Night time photos taken with the new Trail Camera


…. meetings for members who heart Technology

  • Open to all EuroMayenne members
  •  Visits are arranged to local high technology industries.
  • Content ranges from demonstrations of card cutting printers, specialist software, on-board diagnostic software for vehicles, an analysis of SMART TVs, workshops on current tablet computers.
  • Additionally, talks may be arranged on an aspect of technology of interest to members.

If you have any questions please contact

David Ebbage    02 43 30 34 95



Some previous meetings

6 May 2014 – "Tablet Workshop",

7 March 2014  – 25  members visited ENSAM (Ecole Nationale d'Arts et Metier) in Laval.
There was talk from the Director, Simon Richir, about their work on Virtual Reality and Enhanced Reality. Then after a lunch in town, seven of the students showed us the projects that they had been working on.


30 October 2013 –  a fascinating visit to see how solar panels can be used commercially to provide energy self sufficiency. See visit report. [Then click the back button to return to this page.]


See the minutes of our first "proper" meeting held on Tuesday 3 September 2013.

Our inaugural meeting

The thoughts behind the creation of this group are here ,and click the minutes of the Initial meeting of the Technology Club for a detailed report.